Thursday, February 9, 2012

You've Come a Long Way, Baby (part 2)

Yesterday I shared a little piece of my photog journey. I included links to a few of my very first sessions. If you didn't catch it, you can right here.
Today I'd like to flash back even further. Let's go back to the school days. I often find my thoughts in my past remembering where I've been and the journey I am on. My journey is not just a journey to find myself, but to find out who God wants me to be and what He wants me to accomplish according to His plan.
I went to a small Christian school in South Florida. My love for all things Art started a very young age. When I had an assignment to write a book report and to draw a picture of my favorite scene in the book I would spend more time on the drawing than on writing down the summary of the book. Art was my favorite and still is. Then music came in to my life. I loved to sing, but didn't sing very well so I picked up an instrument. I started playing the flute in 5th grade and continued until the 10th grade. I was in countless concerts, solos, trios, and even marched in the band for one year in high school. You're impressed aren't you?! lol!

Moving on :)...after high school I was so over school, classes, etc. I didn't even really know what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. So, I went into the banking business hoping that having a full-time job with benefits would afford me some form of grown-up responsibility and respect. I took college classes here and there at the community college in town. Can you guess what kind of classes I took? Yep, Art classes. I took all the ones that interested me at first and then with the advisement of some of my favorite Art professors I went on to finish my degree at the local University. I was 27 years old when I graduated from college. You're going to laugh, but I'll tell you anyway. My concentration was Pottery. I love Pottery. 

The very last class I took in college was a photography class. My photography professor was very impressed with my work. He made references to it through out the semester. I didn't really think much of it because I was bound and determined to be a successful potter. After the photography class was done, I felt a tinge of longing for it. I had taken a photography class as a freshman in high school as well. I still have some prints from both photography classes. I'll have to share them at a different time.  
Well, this is just another part of my journey. I am thankful for each detour and each bump in the road because it brought me to where I am today. The Lord has blessed me with people who have counselled me and others who have criticized me. God is able to use both for your good (Romans 8:28). Your journey probably looks a lot different than mine. That's cool, man. If we all looked the same and had the same ways then I think the world would be boring. God likes uniqueness. Embrace yours! He is going to use your uniqueness for His glory. Don't be discouraged when things aren't happening in your time or in your way. The Lord has a plan for you and it is good. Believe it! Thank you for taking the time to read my story. I love to hear feedback. Your sweet comments are welcome!


HappyascanB said...

Loved reading this!!

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© Karrie Drake Photography