Monday, September 10, 2012

Motivation for Monday: Pinterest Fail!

Did you get my mixed message there in the title. The word motivation and fail in the same word sequence. Well, it happens right? You try something and it doesn't work. If you frequent Pinterest like I do, then you probably have all your boards categorized into groups. I'll say that you can tell a lot about a person by visiting their Pinterest boards. Anyway, let me continue before I lose my train of thought.
I have a board for Homeschooling and a board for Boys Boys Boys and then another for Books for Kids. All in the name of love. I want to be a good mom. I want to put a positive and lasting impression on my boys about learning. Learning should be fun. At least that's the perspective I hope my boys will have toward learning. I was pinning the other day and saw this REALLY cool idea for upcycling an oatmeal container into a planetarium. The boys had just received a book from a family friend called Seeing Stars about the constellations. So I thought I would actually give one of my "pins" a try. Take a look at the results.

As you can see it makes a design on the ceiling in the dark, but the pattern of the constellation is not very clear. I don't know if I did it correctly or not. Maybe it has something to do with the brightness of my flashlight, or that my container top is clear-ish and the example from the pin had a black container top. I don't you're probably wondering what is so motivating about this failure. Simply put; I tried. I'm proud of my effort. The boys are pretty happy that they have this container thingy to attach their flashlight to. Even though the result wasn't successful, I tried it. And it makes me want to try something else. 
Be encouraged Fellow Pinners. If you have tried making a pinterest recipe or created a pinterest craft I want to hear about it. Successful or not. Comment to share your pinning story.
Hope your Monday is a Happy one!


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