Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Motivation for Monday

I know, I know. It's Wednesday not Monday. Better late than never, right? :)

Lately, I've been really thinking alot about:
1. sequential photography
2. evaluating my images more
3. editing less
4. still wondering what in the world is a successful photographer?

1. Sequential Photography- I have been loving taking photos in series, especially with my boys. You could tell alot about the environment and the situation with a few sequential shots. I took these {above} of John this summer. I enjoy photographs that tell a story or that portray a mood or a characteristic of someone. With sequential photography you don't have to wonder what happened before or after. These are definitely going in the baby book :)

2. Evaluating my images more- When I shoot a session I will periodically go through the shots to be certain that I captured the image correctly. I check for quick details like facial expressions and slight movements. I delete images from my camera even before I download them to my computer. When I download the images I do more deleting if necessary. I am finding that I take less pictures during a session now than before. I think that is an accomplishment.

"Which of my photographs is my favorite? The one I'm going to take tomorrow." ~ Imogen Cunningham

3. Editing less- I've got into my groove with the editing. I am more selective with my images now. Color and black & white images are what I show my clients. Selective coloring is totally out now {sorry for those who still use it}. I love vintage colored photos, but unless a client specifically asks for it I don't it. I have in the past, but I'm more drawn to the naturally colored and classic black & white images. Touch ups- yes...Reconstructive Surgery- no! Instead of snapping a shot and saying, "oh, I'll edit that later." I will fix it right then in the session so that I don't have to do alot of post processing. More time with my family- yes!!

4. Still wondering what in the world is a successful photographer- Not sure where to start on this one. Is it how many facebook likes I have on my page? Is it how many people follow me on twitter or pinterest? {No, I think that is similar to a popularity contest.} Is it how much business I have during the year? Clients constantly calling? Is it marketing right?  I could seriously go on and on. I get stuck though on the popularity thing. Maybe it's a childhood hang up. Just as I was allowing my mind and my thoughts to mull this over the Lord reminded me of a verse. What is true? or rather WHO is true? the Lord answered, "I AM!"

Psalm 33:4 ~ For the word of the LORD is right and true; he is faithful in all he does. {emphasis mine}. 

I can still remember where I was when the Lord told me {in my spirit, not out loud} that He was going to use me through my photography. I was sitting at my dining room table listening to a Beth Moore study, Esther. I have to remember and hold fast to truths and the words that the Lord gives to me. Trusting in facebook likes, twitter followings, and comments that will only fulfill for a mil-a-second are nothing compared to the lasting truth of God. He favors the faithful, He blesses the faithful. 


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© Karrie Drake Photography