Monday, October 17, 2011

Motivation for Monday

Good Morning! I hope y'all had a nice weekend with your family & friends. I sure did. Aside from little John getting sick with the sniffles and a bit of a cough, our weekend was great. We were celebrating Beau's first win of the season. Go Warriors! The football season is coming to a close. One more home game left. I feel like the little engine that could. I think I can. I think I can. {I only say this because we love having Daddy home}. Above is a pick of the boys' sandy feet. The weather last week was so beautiful. We went to the beach twice in our sweatpants to play in the sand. We had the whole beach to ourselves. It was lovely!

I was flipping through my Bible this morning. Do you ever do that? Flip through the pages and want the Word that you need for the day to jump out at you. Anyway, I was flipping the pages of the New Testament paying close attention to the dates. You see, I write in my Bible. I also underline and date of my findings. I do this because I want to remember where I was. When I remember what I've gone through in my past, it helps me to also recognize how God worked in me & through the situation. The verse that got my attention this morning was I Corinthians 16:13,14 ~ Be alert, stand firm in the faith, be brave and strong. Your every action must be done with love. This verse was stared, underlined, and dated {10/20/10}. Almost a year to the day. I wanted to really remember this one. Only my husband and very close friends know where I was spiritually a year ago. Heck, my husband was right there with me going through the same thing simultaneously. It was happening to us, to our family. We were being attacked by the enemy. I have to remember that being alert, standing firm in my faith, being brave and strong, and especially acting in love is something that is not only beneficial to me, but also to my husband and my sons. They watch me, how I act, how I respond to stress, how I spend my time. I have found that sometimes it's not just what we go through, but how we go through it. Our children will learn from watching us. They'll respond to life's difficulties similarly to how we've showed them. We are their model for everything. This is no small duty.

I started Motivation for Monday to share my faith and a little piece of my personal journey with you. Now, I don't think that I am better or holier than anyone else. Please forgive me if ever you read something that sounded preachy or condemning. That is not my intent. This is my story. The Lord has called me to share what He is teaching me and what He has done in my life. I didn't come up with Motivation for Monday on my own. This is the Lord's idea that He breathed into my heart. Sharing my story, encouraging others, and praying for others is just something that I desire to do for the glory of God.
I hope your Monday is a blessed one!


Jamie said...

This post really struck a chord in me, thank you for sharing! I recently went through a stressful time & unfortunately my behavior model was sub par. With 3 small sons, I definitely need to be aware that HOW I go through these times is being engrained in their little souls. This is a great reminder to read the word and lean on Him through the trials, and stop trying to {foolishly} lean on my own understandings. Thanks, I'll be watching for your motivational Monday's!

Unknown said...

Hi Jamie! Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting on my post. I am so thankful that you came across my blog and shared with me. Looking forward to hearing more from you :) Have a blessed week!

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