Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Wednesday's Printable Words: Guest Blogger

Introducing Jacquelyn of Photography by Jacquelyn. She is my very first photographer guest blogger. Jacquelyn has provided her own printable words and encouragement to you today. Enjoy!

First of all, I want to say how honored I am to be asked by Karrie to be her guest blogger this week as well as her first photographer guest blogger! What a privilege! I met Karrie at a photography retreat we both attended. She has such a kind spirit and truly enjoyed out time together at this retreat. It was awesome to be able to learn more about photography together and practice our art.

Blogging is not something I am very faithful at doing in my own photography but not only has this inspired me to do just that, it has also given me a push to learn something new. I love seeing quotes/verses around my house on a daily basis and have my own prints framed in my house with various verses and quotes on them. In my recent Bible studies, I have been contemplating how, as Christians, we as a people tend to get caught up in the "do's & don'ts" instead of the gift we were given as a follower of Christ. When Jesus died on the cross as a sacrafice for our sins, the old covenant laws were nullified. The laws were hard to uphold and when Jesus came and died for us, he replaced the law with grace. We can be free, knowing that Jesus took care of the hard stuff and all we have to do is let him be the director of our lives! So, this printable is based in 2 Corinthians 3:17. I encourage you to read it and experience that freedom that only comes through HIM! With that said, here is Wednesday's 8x10 printable!

Print it. It's FREE!
1. right click the image
2. save image as
3. save the printable where you can find it
4. click on the image in the folder
5. print to size 8x10
6. frame it.
7. share it


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