Monday, May 21, 2012

Motivation for Monday: Learning & Deep Thinking

I'm always learning something. I love to learn! Being a student requires me to sit quietly, listen, and digest what I am being taught. Spiritually speaking, it's being in  a constant state of humility. Don't get me wrong though, it's not easy. Far from easy. My pride kicks in every once in a while. Who am I kidding, it kicks in more than once in a while. I like to think that I know a few things, that I could be in the position of teacher.
Truth is, I have so much more to learn in many aspects of life. Praise God for the miracle of life.

I have been watching my little ones play outside. They are so different, but I am so thankful for their differences. I can see Beau & I in each of them. Julian loves to play dress up with his ECU pirate gear. Beau used to play back in high school and college. John nurses many boo-boos with his Ironman icy pack. He is in the "cause & effect" phase right now. You know, "I wonder what would happen if I did this?" They're learning...from me, from Beau. They are watching us and listening to our conversations. They observe us and they learn our reactions and behaviors. It's amazing, isn't it! Having them has given me more purpose than I dreamed of having as an adult person contributing to society.

As a stay-at-home mom, it is easy to get stuck in the mind-set of mainstream thinking. To think that you are not contributing to society is STINKIN' THINKIN'! It's just not true. You are important in the lives of your little ones. They look up to you. They rely on you. You are teaching them how to socialize, how to use their manners, how to have a conversation. You are teaching them everything about life. You are not only contributing to society, you are touching future lives. You are growing a meaningful little life that has Divine Purpose. SAHM, you're job is the most important job. God has given you an opportunity to nurture, to teach, to create memories with, to nurse, to feed, to proclaim over your child(ren). Is it any wonder that God's Word declares that children are a blessing from the Lord, that they are a reward (Prov 127:3). Grandchildren are a crown to grandparents (Prov 17:6). Rewards and crowns. These are precious things and something to be thankful for. How wise of the Lord to give these examples in relating to the worth of children. He knows what we value. He knows the way of our thoughts, beliefs, opinions. The Lord wants us to see the value He puts on children. He had to give us an example that we would understand. Rewards and crowns. Investing time, energy, love, patience, prayers, laughter, and tears. I promise it is time well spent.

Dear Lord,
I praise You for You alone are God. Thank you for the beautiful rewards you blessed me with in Julian & John. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord, my Rock, and my Redeemer. Be my strength when I am weak. Give me words to speak when I am at a loss for them. Pour your love and peace over me each day. Fill me up so that I may fill up those You have given me. To You be the glory. In Jesus Name, Amen.

My Dearest Julian & John, 
I love you! You have more worth than I give you credit for. I am so thankful for you. I want you to always know that I love you. You are important to me. I'm not perfect. I will make mistakes, but I will not give up. As long as I have life & breath I will praise God for the blessing that you are. I am proud to be your mommy. I am honored that the Lord has blessed me with 2 beautiful boys. I rejoice in the Lord for the boys and soon-to-be men He created you to be. May you always know that when I fail, Jesus loves you and will never fail you. He will always be right there by your side every step of the way. Know Him, Love Him, Serve Him.
I love you so much! ~ Your Mama


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