Monday, May 25, 2009

It's raining; it's pouring! The 'Ole Lady is Editing!

Hello there! I hope everyone is having a restful Memorial Day weekend. Is it just me, or does it rain every Memorial Day? Well, thank goodness because the rain has allowed me to get some much needed work done inside :)
If you frequent my website, you probably know that Collages and Storyboards are among the specialty products I offer. I've been busy at creating examples to give you a visual. I got these really cool designs from Rita at Coffee Shop, a very talented photographer and designer. Above, you will find 2 collages. Both are 11 x 14 in size. I will be working on other sizes and variations to post later. Stay tuned!
In His Love, Karrie


HappyascanB said...

They're absolutely precoius! Holly's maternity pics are so good! And I love Jullian's little face! What's he pondering in the first pic? Precious!!!

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