Happy All Saints' Day!
According to The New World Encyclopedia,
All Saints' Day is a Christian holiday which honors the lives of saints and martyrs. The celebration of this day expresses gratitude for their unique contributions and sacrifices, and acknowledges their continued spiritual presence in the lives of people today.
Today is my mother-in-law's birthday. She will be celebrating this special birthday in heaven with Jesus. I have so many fond memories of my time with Ann. All of which I will share and pass on to my children and my children's children. Ann was a very special woman of God. She was and I believe still is a prayer warrior. Whenever Beau & I needed prayer we would call Ann. She always had great faith and encouragement to share. Her Bible was never far from her. You would be able to see this by the condition of the pages. They are worn, highlighted, underlined, and written prayers are all along the margins. All signs of being used quite frequently. This Bible is now a possesion our family treasures.
Prayer is so important. This communication with God brings you closer to Him. It brings realization that you can not do "life" on your own.You need Him! Even though He knows very well what is happening with you, He desires that commitment and connection from you.
Last month I went to a women's Bible Study. The women leading this study are in different phases of life. There children are grown; some are in college, others are dating and getting married. I looked at how different my life is now compared to their's. I will be there one day, praying for my sons as they go off to college, as they date, and then as they bring home the brides that God has chosen for them. I thought to myself: I can't think of that now because I want to enjoy and take in every moment of this phase of life that I'm in. These women's words of wisdom stayed with me. I was convicted and encouraged to pray for my sons, their future, their friendships, my future daughters-in-law, and future grandchildren. Oh how overwhelming when I first thought of it, but it makes so much sense. If I don't pray for my children...
who will?
Ann prayed fervently for her husbamd, her sons, her daughters-in-law, and her grandchildren. I know this because of the heartfelt requests that were written on the pages of her Bible. I have made the commitment to God to follow suit. My boys will be blessed by this act of faith. I am so happy to do this for my family. For the prayers of the righteous are powerful and effective (James 5:16). Please leave a comment if you have read this and have chosen to make the same commitment.
Happy Monday!
Proverbs 17:6~ Children's children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children.